It's been a while since my last post and there are reasons (work, a cold since Jan 4th, etc.) but no excuses. The blame may lay with Facebook, which is great for quick little posts. I only got an account since Nate did and that was the agreement, but it is an interesting, if odd, community.
Anyway, Nate and I finally took the Christmas Lights,
that I posted so much about, down yesterday. Valentines Day is a long time to leave the lights up, but January was cold and/or rainy. For much of the month the decorations were buried in snow. As an aside, my Dad on occasion left the Christmas lights on until my birthday (Feb. 19th) as a birthday present.
As for the Nativity scene that was the focus of my
photo lighting experiment - it did not fare so well. While Nate and I were in San Diego, there was a bad wind storm and Joseph's legs broke and baby Jesus almost ended in the stream. I was able to rebuild Joseph's legs but the ground was frozen so I couldn't get him back in the scene. I took the whole thing down in early January but many of the stakes broke so more repair will be needed before it goes back up.
The rest of the decorations survived fairly well. The luminaries got a little beat up in a wind storm, which is what motivated me to take all the decorations down. All in all, it was a fun year for lights. I can't wait until next year - whether it be here or somewhere new.