Friday, June 29, 2007

First Post....

OK everybody, I've decided to jump into the blogoshpere. A couple inspirations - first, I'm doing a blog at work for a weight loss contest we are having (more on that in future posts) and second, I've been having such fun writing about our trip to the Cornerstone Festival that I figured I'd use a blog rather than typing the same thing to lots of people in email. And, oh yeah, posting pictures here is easier than trying to resize and send lots of email.

Hope you enjoy it - I think you can subscribe via RSS (if you don't know what that is, ask someone Nate's age!) and you will get updates whenever I post. The next bunch are going to be about our (ongoing) trip to the Cornerstone Festival in Bushnell, IL (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I am 37 not N's age, but I do understand RSS, for the record here is the RSS Feed for this blog

Looks like you guys are having fun, and I assume you are bulking up for said weight loss contest.

Just to end with a bit of irony, that your first RSS Subscriber to your blog on the Christian Rock Festival is of course Jewish :)