Monday, July 2, 2007

Cornerstone Festival - Organizations and Causes

The merch tents - which officially are called the Exhibition Tents - were host to a varied group of organizations promoting all sorts of causes. Below is a listing of ones I found interesting, not that I necessarily agree or are promoting them:

The One Campaign - - This is group that is working to end global poverty. They are a coalition of secular and religious organizations working together for change. You probably have seen the ads with Bono and famous actors and actresses.

To Write Love on Her Arms - - Ok, so this one I really do think is cool. This is a group that helps kids deal with depression and self-injury. It was started because one guy (the founder, Jaime) helped one girl and has grown into this huge ministry. I think their website describes it best: "TWLOHA's mission is to communicate hope and love to broken people. We also aim to invite and inspire lives of compassion. We believe that "rescue is possible", that we can be rescued and we are called to live as rescuers. In the same way, we believe that all people are loved and called to love others. This is an attempt at community." Despite being founded and run primarily by Christians, they do not consider themselves a "Christian" organization, rather they are doing Christ's work. Nate and I went to a press conference they gave at the Festival, actually it was Nate's idea.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation - - This is an antiwar/pacifist group that has been around since World War I. What I found interesting is that while they encourage conscientious objection, they really push that youth should make an informed decision, not just sign up. - This is a company that's trying to change the way music is sold, by giving control to the artists. The concept is that artist upload music to DiscRevolt and then buy download cards which they in turn can sell or give away at concerts. The cards usually have the band's logo on them so it's another form of marketing. - This is an anti-pornography group - they catch attention with wild slogans - a couple of the tamer ones are that they are "The #1 Christian Porn Site" and "Jesus Loves Porn Stars". A bit outlandish, but what I found interesting is that they set up booths not just at Christian events, but at the big porn conventions. Talk about going into the lion's den. - As you can guess from the name, this is an anti-abortion group. They seem pretty radical, not like blowing up clinics, but really in your face with their slogans and t-shirts. - Their slogan is "The Only Customer of the Church is God". Their idea is that church is not about what we receive but what we should give to the world - grace and love.

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